Dear Students and Website Visitors,

Celebrities to Ukraine: A message of support.

In response to Russian aggression towards Ukraine, I'd like to share with you a documentary based on the the joint investigation by the fifth estate and PBS' Frontline. This video reveals the true nature of Putin, allegations of his criminal activity dating as far back as his early days as a top official in St. Petersburg, and ties to organized crime and money-laundering activities.

"Putin’s Long Shadow" documentary also raises disturbing questions about the role the Russian security services played in four apartment building bombings in Moscow and other cities in 1999 that killed nearly 300 people. Like all dictators, Putin blamed terrorists and "external forces".

Vladimir Putin's Long Shadow - the fifth estate.

Russia's attack on Ukraine started way before 2014. Please check Why Putin Didn’t Invade Ukraine During Trump's Presidency.

Russia even trains children to kill. The documentary Sons of Russia: The people fighting Putin's war in Ukraine shows this in more details.

In 1933 Hitler came to power in Germany using the same lies, propaganda, and intimidation that Putin is using. He started invading European countries one by one while politicians were debating and calling for "peace". One by one Hitler crushed most countries and occupied 80% of Europe, including France.
How Hitler Invaded Half Of Europe. Did you know that Russia (Soviet Union) was Hitler's ally? Not only Russia trained Hitler's troops but also supplied Germany with natural resources needed for Hitler's army.

More than 20 million people were killed between 1938 and 1945. To compare, the population of Canada in 1945 was 12 million.

Hitler started the war with Soviet Union by bombing Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, on June 22nd, 1941 at 4am without even formal declaration of war. Unfortunately, history repeats itself. In 2022 new Russian Hitler started a new war by bombing Kyiv on February 24th, 2022 at 5am without declaration of war.

Kyiv is the oldest city and the cradle of Ukrainian and Russian civilization. Kyiv was 800 years old when Moscow just became a small village on the map. It's a beautiful and peaceful city. The attack on the capital of Ukraine had no justification. My parents, friends, colleagues, students and teachers stay in Kyiv despite the bombing and destructions. Putin promised the Russian people the war will be over in 10 hours. Yet after so many months Ukrainian people are fighting and two biggest cities - Kyiv and Kharkov are still controlled by Ukrainians. People are dying protecting the country.

Ukraine had no offensive weapons before the war. Most defensive weapons were destroyed by ballistic missiles in the first hours of the war.

Russian propaganda is claiming Russian troops are not targeting civilian targets. It's not true.
Russian missiles do kill innocent children: Ukraine: Children killed during 'truce'.

The Russian propaganda is claiming whoever fights Russian troops are "terrorists" and "fascist". It's not true. Civilians like my friends are fighting them: Destroyed Russian vehicles after battle.

Mr. Vasily Nebenzya, top diplomat from Russia, during UN Security meeting was claiming the video of a Russian tank running over cars in Ukraine is "fake". This video is not fake. My dad's best friend Svetlana called him and was crying that Russian tanks ran over a group of 3 young (20-23 year old) Ukrainian fighters to crush their bodies and to flatten them with the ground right in front of her house. Svetlana's house was in Bucha. Please check Bucha massacre.

The Russian troops prefer to kill Ukrainians instead of taking them as prisoners of war as required by the Treatment of Prisoners of War Convention. That's exactly what Hitler's troops were instructed to do in Europe.

Putin ignores the choice of Ukrainian people to elect the government they want. Ukraine did not start the war. In 1994 Ukraine gave up more than 160 nuclear missiles (each costs about 200 million USD) in exchange for what is now just a piece of paper called Budapest memorandum. Russia agreed, signed, and guaranteed the following:

  • Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.
  • Refrain from the threat or the use of force against Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Crimean peninsula was taken from Ukraine by force, then the eastern part of Ukraine was taken by force, and now the whole country is taken by force under false "justifications". Russia is blocking access to online resources and redirects YouTube links to "official" resources. I sent an YouTube link to my friends in Russia that shows what happens in Ukraine and that link was redirected to Putin's address to Russian people where he called Ukrainian president "a drug addict". This "drug addict" has a law degree and won the democratic election in 2019 with more than 70% support of Ukrainian people. This "drug addict" didn't run away from the capital. He still stays in Kyiv and keeps fighting with his people: Zelensky in Kyiv. Compare this to Putin, who ran away to a remote bunker far away from Moscow.

This is what Russian troops did to a small peaceful city near the capital of Ukraine that had no military or weapons: Drone Video and this is drone footage shows scale of devastation in Mariupol.

This is how Russian propaganda covers the war in Ukraine: CNN Report.They call it "special operation".

Have you ever wondered why German people supported Hitler? Why so many people supported death camps with gas cameras?

"... never to admit a fault or wrong; never to accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time; blame that enemy for everything that goes wrong; take advantage of every opportunity to raise a political whirlwind". (c) A. Hitler.

The history repeats itself yet again. How similar are Putin and Hitler?. Politicians are unable to agree on the strongest measures. I'm sure you've heard that Putin now threatens Sweden and Finland with nuclear weapons. Nobody wants to provoke a monkey with a grenade. And this monkey sooner or later will take what it wants.

Please make no mistake! Ukraine won't surrender:

Compare what Russia is doing in Ukraine in 2022 to what Russia did to its own people in Chechnya. Do you find any differences?

In case you want to help and make your personal statement against evil, the following can be done:

  • National Bank of Ukraine also opened a special account to raise money for Ukraine's Armed Forces: National Bank of Ukraine Donation Link.
    The credit/debit card payment or wire transfer can be made in any currency.
    1,000 UAN ~ 30 USD.

  • Save Life non-profit organization: Save Life Donation Link.
    For credit/debit card contributions please pick option.
    1,000 UAN ~ 30 USD.

  • Other ways to help Ukrainian people.

Finally, don't be afraid of Putin! Russia's economy is surprisingly tiny.

Please make no mistakes, Mr. Putin is just a rich criminal who knows how to use his KGB training to intimidate and manipulate people. Sooner or later he wants to take as much land as possible to restore the "glory" of "Russian Empire" just like Hitler was trying to restore the glory of "German Empire". Fascism was stopped in 1945. Putinism and Rashism must be stopped in 2022.

Alex Babanski, Ph.D.

Contact Info:

Friday May 3rd, 2024.
© Alex Babanski